The search for your individual artistic fingerprint, your unique personality as an artist is an ongoing endeavor.
If you
are on a search for what defines your creative self, you cannot start every
painting the same way and expect different results.
You need a fresh exhilarating, exciting experience; living on the edge will take you to different places. Try the exact opposite of your usual approach.
You need a fresh exhilarating, exciting experience; living on the edge will take you to different places. Try the exact opposite of your usual approach.

In this demonstration I started with a loose rough drawing indicating the shapes and forms of the flowers which tell the main body of the story. Then I applied local color to the background which was complimentary to the center of interest.
The strokes that I used were inspired by the shapes and forms of the live plants and the rhythms they produce as they cross each other and intermingle like friends greeting each other at a party.
The flowers are bowing as though they have met royalty in an unexpected place, moving and swaying as if the energy from the crowd of friends were praising their beauty.

"I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all
my heart." ~Vincent van Gogh
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